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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 9, Issue 4, pp. 609-771

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Development of Parallel Methods for a $1024$-Processor Hypercube

John L. Gustafson, Gary R. Montry, and Robert E. Benner

pp. 609-638

$LU$ Factorization Algorithms on Distributed-Memory Multiprocessor Architectures

George A. Geist and Charles H. Romine

pp. 639-649

Finite-Element Methods for the Streamfunction-Vorticity Equations: Boundary-Condition Treatments and Multiply Connected Domains

Max D. Gunzburger and Janet S. Peterson

pp. 650-668

A Fast Adaptive Multipole Algorithm for Particle Simulations

J. Carrier, L. Greengard, and V. Rokhlin

pp. 669-686

Global Error Estimation in the Method of Lines for Parabolic Equations

M. Berzins

pp. 687-703

The Direct Solution of Weighted and Equality Constrained Least-Squares Problems

Jesse L. Barlow and Susan L. Handy

pp. 704-716

An Efficient Algorithm for the MSAE and the MMAE Regression Problems

Subhash C. Narula and John F. Wellington

pp. 717-727

Smoothing and Interpolation in a Convex Subset of a Hilbert Space

Charles A. Micchelli and Florencio I. Utreras

pp. 728-746

Auditing of Data Analyses

Richard A. Becker and John M. Chambers

pp. 747-760

A Parallel and Vector Variant of the Cyclic Reduction Algorithm

Roland A. Sweet

pp. 761-765

An Optimal Circulant Preconditioner for Toeplitz Systems

Tony F. Chan

pp. 766-771